Grows 15-18 inches tall
Vines can reach 72 inches in length
Mature in 80-90 days
Ripe when rind changes from green to tan and the melon easily separates from the vine
Plant 2 weeks after the last frost
Planting Instructions: Plant seeds 1 inch deep and 24-36 inches apart. Plant in warm soil and rotate the melon periodically to avoid burrowing holes
Cooking: Most commonly eaten raw as a serving of fruit but can also be used to make salads or drinks
Vines can be 3 ft long
Mature in 65-100 days
Harvest ready when rind goes from yellow to green and the fruit feels a bit soft
Plant 2 weeks after the last frost
Planting Instructions: Plant seeds 1 inch deep and 4-6 ft apart and water lightly
Cooking: Most commonly eaten raw as a side, juiced, in drinks, popsicles, in salads, gazpacho
Grows 1-2 ft tall and vines grow 6-8 ft long
Mature in 80-120 days
Harvest ready when underside turns from white to yellow and it is easily picked from the vine
Plant in late spring or early summer
Planting Instructions: Plant seeds 1/2-1 inches deep and 4-5 ft apart
Cooking: Most commonly eaten raw as a side, juiced, in salads, soups, or even roasted/grilled
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