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Welcome to the Healing Garden 

What is the Healing Garden?

The Healing Garden at Hilltop is a space dedicated to slowing down, reconnecting with the land, and reconnecting with self. We work together with the garden to unlearn practices of white supremacy (urgency, perfectionism, homogeneity, hierarchical decision making, defensiveness) and create space for multiple ways of knowing, relating to land, and relating to one another. For many of us, the garden has become a place to process disconnections from homeland, expressing our multicultural stories through plants, recipes, and memories. This experience would not be possible without the ancestral stewardship of the myaamaki, Lënape, Bodéwadmik, and saawanwa, the original caretakers of this space.  As we gather, we seek to understand our own roles in ongoing and current colonial projects, creating a space for healing ancestral traumas, and addressing violences we continue to perpetuate against ourselves and against others. 

A black plastic crate is full of happy green plants starts: dill, basil)

How Are We Preserving Our Garden for the Future?

With Our Seed Library!

Click the link below to be directed to our seed library page, which shows some of the seeds that the Healing Garden currently has to share (Spring 2023). Each season is different, as our library is community-driven, and grows and is shaped by whoever is involved. This is where you come in! We'd love these seeds to live far and wide, and be loved and cared for by many. Attend our Seed Adoption event on 3/26/23 at Hilltop Gardens from 2-5 pm or use our seed request form to add some of these seeds to your community.


Want to visit the garden? 

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Hilltop Gardens is open Monday to Friday 9-5 pm. Our piece of garden is located near the back fence. All are welcome to take a stroll through, and visit the plants (did you know plants love gentle touch and kind words??), or peruse our garden library and read a book under a tree. 


Check out our calendar for upcoming events and volunteer days! 

See our weekly updates below, or follow us on Instagram @healinggarden_iub: 

Contact Us

2367 E 10th st. Bloomington, IN 47408

©2021 by The Healing Garden. Proudly created with

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